© 1995 Toned-F Creations
John and Catherine are taking a break from a family barbecue, taking a stroll across a bridge over a concrete storm drain in an inner Melbourne suburb. They look over the parapet and see an old mattress, a broken chair, an old tyre and a ragdoll that someone has obviously dumped there instead of taking them to the tip. John asks Catherine to marry him and then pretends that if she says no he will jump into the drain. Before she can answer he falls over the edge and lands, unconscious, in the drain, and so the fantasy begins…
All the garbage in the drain comes to life. John wakes up and is confused. The Mattress, Chair, Tyre and Ragdoll want to know who he is and where he comes from. He tries to explain. He then asks them who they all are. They tell him about themselves and Ragdoll takes a fancy to him. Princess Caterina (Catherine) enters and John immediately falls for her. Then a Platypus enters and bemoans the fact that what was once a beautiful creek is now lined with concrete. Then they hear the Dervils arriving. Everyone excepting John and The Princess hide but Ragdoll grabs John and drags him into hiding. The Dervils capture The Princess and the King of the Dervils enter and they take her away. John decides to go and rescue her. The others try to dissuade him be he insists. Ragdoll accompanies him.
Eventually John and Ragdoll rescue The Princess and Ragdoll is left, lonely and forgotten.
Prelude: the bridge above the drain.
Act One: In the drain
Act Two, Scene One: The Royal Palace Throne Room
Act Two, Scene Two: The Cave Of Hopelessness
Act Two, Scene Three: In the drain, in reality.
This musical was designed to be accompanied by backing tracks (Click on mp3s below for a few sample tracks). Script and backing tracks will be supplied. If you have an expert musical arranger and wish to create your own accompaniment manuscript containing melody lines and chords can be provided.
If you would like more information please email me and I will email a copy of the script plus some more samples of backing tracks.